Opening Hours : Sunday to Friday - 8am to 6pm


Vivek Jung Hamal
Administrative assistant, Ayur Sadan
Vivek Jung Hamal
Administrative assistant, Ayur Sadan
Being an IT professional, switching career is quite a bad idea. As you know, this is the most trending and influential field in present perspective. But then, what do we work for? For being financially secure, for family, for being healthy and furthermore being happy. Then I thought myself..

Sitting on a chair, looking at the screen for 14 hrs. a day, how can one lead a good life like this. Forget about "good", how can one live like this? Almost all of my time are squeezed looking at the box and pressing buttons.  

And what if my body stops responding as I want it to? With the kind of routine that I have, this is sure to come. If not now it will after few years. Then i won't even be able to look at the box. All these efforts, time and all the hard earned money will go in one swoop just for conditioning my body to look at the very box again. That also"if" and only "if" my body is curable.

Well the answer was simple, atleast for me. My dad with other core members had just recently opened an institute based on natural lifestyle. Then, without giving much thought, I enrolled in for basic health training. 

Then one thing lead to another and now, now I am here as a functioning active body of Ayur Sadan . 

And about the money... Well, I won't just say health is wealth. As you know or at least hear, many people are now showing interest in natural lifestyle and are swithcing towards this path which infact, is very crucial, specially in the world now we live in.
There is a saying by a famous businessman: "Where there is crowd, there is money". And when you are already in a place where the world is heading, money is just a matter of time.

Live strong and as we say here: